"When we can, let's all lend a helping hand!"
Gratitude can transform our common days into days of Thanksgiving, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.
What are you thankful for this 2021 year?
I’m alive, not ill, don’t have COVID, survived the 500-year flood, which was a test for all of us in trusting the Lord. Thankful for my family, friends and even bad days, because this is a test to me to have faith in the lord, and he will carry us through. Thankful for the flood (yes, the flood, because it brought us all together as one family, like we should be.
This Thanksgiving Day I’ve realized that I have a lot to be thankful for. Perhaps like being alive. I don’t know about you, but I’m very thankful for this. I know these aren’t your normal things to be thankful for, but I have really been thinking. I’m thankful for little things, like peace of mind, I can feel with my hands, and move with my body, I can hear birds singing and so much more we sometimes take for granted.